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What Does the Order of Instagram Likes Really Mean?

Karolis Matiukas

When you post a picture on Instagram, you wait for people to like it. In about thirty minutes, you should see a lot of hearts under your post.

The number of likes someone has on Instagram is usually the first thing that stands out to them. That’s not all you need to know about Instagram likes to make your account bigger, though.

Almost every social media site has a complex system running behind the scenes. It seems like these systems get smarter every month. Once upon a time, Instagram’s system showed likes in the order in which you got them. You would see the most recent likes first, followed by older ones.

No longer is it that easy. Pay attention to the order of the likes on your posts. They are not in order of when they were posted. Read this piece to find out what’s going on with Instagram’s algorithm and how it sorts users’ likes.

How Does Instagram Show Likes?

Open one of your most recent Instagram posts to see who has liked it. The amount of likes and maybe one or two profile names of people who liked the post will be shown below the picture.

In the past, this would have meant the last people to like this post. It’s more complicated and depends on a lot of things.

How Many Interactions There Are

The things you do on social media show that you are engaged. How important and interesting a piece of content is to you is based on how many likes, comments, and other exchanges you have with this account. There is no other currency on Instagram.

Facebook’s algorithm decides which likes or posts to show you first by looking at how engaged you are with other users. It doesn’t just look at your interactions with them; it also looks at how they interact with you.

How to measure engagement:

★ Likes


● How many direct messages

— How many times you’ve responded to a user’s direct message, etc.

There’s a good chance that the person whose name you keep seeing next to the number of likes on posts is one of your best Instagram friends.

How well-known profiles are

Every time someone likes your photo, Instagram counts how many followers that person has. People with the most fans are at the top of the list of people who have liked something. They’ll be at the top of the list. It’s one more reason to make your Instagram account bigger.

What People Say and Share

People who share or comment on your posts are seen as bigger fans than people who just hit “like.” That makes sense; making a review takes more work and time than giving something two taps to like it. You should also care about likes, but don’t let them take over your life.


When you tag someone in your profile, Instagram knows that you know them well enough to put them at the top of your list of people who like your posts. If they’ve ever tagged you, that will also count toward your score.

Verified Profiles vs. Unverified Profiles

A person who likes your post from a real, verified Instagram account will be given more weight by Instagram’s system when it decides how to arrange likes. This is something most people don’t think about.

Instagram puts likes from official accounts at the top of the list of likes on your posts. On this profile page, look for a blue tick next to the name of the user to see if it is real. If it’s there, it means Instagram has checked out this account. Those that don’t have a tick haven’t been checked out.

Keep in mind that this check mark doesn’t have to be on every Instagram account. This feature is made for official pages of businesses, celebs, and other entities so that users can easily tell them apart from many fake and fan accounts.

Four things must be true for an account to be verified:

— They have to work for a real person or company

– Each person or business can only have one confirmed account.

– It needs to be public and have all of your personal information on it.

– People who look for things like hashtags or your page must be interested in them.

Most recent interactions

Instagram won’t give someone more weight in your list of likes just because they used to connect with your posts a lot but haven’t in a while. People who liked, commented on, or shared your posts lately will be near the top than people who did these things a long time ago.

Likes Without Names

If Instagram doesn’t put a name next to the number of likes on your post, that means they haven’t picked anyone who meets the above requirements.

Following vs. Likes: Which Comes First?

Now you know that the system lets you see which Instagram users are engaged with you by looking at the order of their likes. However, is it the same with your fans?

To see your list of fans, click on the number of followers in your biography. The followers are listed in order of when they joined, with the newest ones at the top. So the number of friends doesn’t tell you anything about how close you are to other Instagram users.

Take a look at the “Following” list. The accounts you follow are not shown in order. To begin, you’ll see the people you talk to the most. Some people think that Instagram ranks this list using the same reasons it uses for the story.

How are you going to use these ideas?

There are many tools, like Instagram’s built-in data, that can help you plan your social media strategy. But the most important thing you should do to get the most out of Instagram is to understand how it works.

No matter what your goals are, the order of likes can help you figure out things.

If you have a personal page,
You can’t see who looked at your Instagram page. You can protect your privacy in two ways:

—A page that is completely private; people can only see what you post after you allow them to follow you.

– A public page lets everyone on the web see what you post.

In the second case, you might be afraid that people who don’t know you well can find out too much about your private life.

“Stalkering” is a thing that people do on social media. People who you don’t want to be around get into your private life by following you around, giving you texts or gifts, or even making threats against your family or friends.

In the U.S., 6.6 million people are followed around all year. 3 out of 4 people who are stalked know their stalkers in some way.

Order likes on Instagram can help you figure out who is following you around. Someone might be stalking you if you keep seeing them even though you haven’t talked to them much.

If you are a business or public figure

Pay close attention to your viewers if you want to raise your image. Record how each piece of your content made them feel. This is one of the most important things you can do.

Look at ten of your most recent posts and think about the people who are most loyal to you. It can help you make a customer character that will help you focus your content better in the future.

Thanks for reading! Instagram hasn’t said why likes, comments, and friends appear in the way they do. Based on what users have said, there are only ideas about how Instagram’s system works.

A lot of people think that Instagram gives more weight to users who interact with you the most. Instagram knows that you’re interested in something when you give it a like. That means the system will show this user’s content first next time and also use likes to make Instagram tips.

You can also use what other Instagram users like to your advantage. Check out what other Instagram users like in your biography to make your posts better and get more followers.

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