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How do the algorithms in social networks work?

Karolis Matiukas

You may have heard that computers decide who sees your social media posts if you use them a lot that platform. The things that affect them change from platform to platform, so you can’t always count on them to see your post.

For example, hashtags are very important on Instagram, but tags for the right people can make all the difference on Facebook.

For normal social media users, the fact that algorithms aren’t always the same is a little annoying. But for people who want to market a business or themselves, it’s a huge problem, especially if they don’t know how it works.

So, the important question is how do the rules for social networks work? This piece will answer that question. You will know what algorithms to watch out for on different platforms and how algorithms affect social media marketing when you’re done.

What Are Algorithms for Social Media?

Statista says that there are 4.15 billion social media users in the world right now. You have to keep track of a lot of people when they are all online at the same time to post something. There is too much info being put in, and if nothing is done, things will get a mess.

We need tools to help us with this. There are sets of math rules that tell facts how to show up. On Google, they help set the level of importance of the relationship between what is looked for and the result. On social media, they keep things in order and make sure that what people see is related to searches they have done in the past and are doing now.

What makes the difference between an account with a lot of fans and one with few likes and followers is how well you understand these things.

The Instagram algorithm: how does it work?

The reverse-chronological news order on Instagram stopped in 2016, and it hasn’t been used since. Everything has been different since then, and posts have been ranked by special computer signs.

This means that the time you shared something is no longer important. Instead, things like attention and relevance became important. Marketers and people with a lot of followers have used these things to push one product over another. It has also made people want to find good material and collect it. Because of this, Instagram is now a better site than it was in 2016.

The things that affect how posts are ranked on Instagram are.

How relevant

In spite of what most people think, Instagram posts are not ranked by how many people have seen them. They’re ranked by how important they are to the people who will see them.

Say a person is always searching for natural hair products and social media stars. That’s what will always show up in their search or feed.

When marketers and business owners choose stars to represent their brands, they sometimes make this mistake. They don’t choose influencers who have already made a name for themselves in the field. Instead, they choose influencers who have a lot of fans, but that doesn’t mean people will be interested in their goods.

It will be easier to promote skin care products from an account like @theBeautyBloss than from an account that has never sold or promoted beauty products.

Getting together

Most of the posts on your feed come from people you follow. This is what Instagram’s algorithms do. When you follow someone, the app thinks that you know them personally or are interested in what they share.

One of the fastest ways to get more views and show up on more people’s idea pages is to post interesting things that can get you more fans.


This is the time that the post was shared. The new Instagram algorithms still look at how recently a post was shared, even though the old way used to work backwards.

This is likely to be the case for any Instagram post that has been there for two years. So, quick uniformity is needed for it to be relevant. Influencers who post a lot use this exact way to get people to see their posts.

Getting along

This has to do with how many interactions a post has gotten. Many more people will see a post that has been liked or shared than one that hasn’t been “liked” at all.

They’ll also show up on the idea page for people who follow people who have connected with your posts.

The Facebook algorithm: how does it work?

Facebook ranks its posts with algorithms too, and just like Instagram, it looks at how relevant the posts are.

Facebook doesn’t have set formulas, so the signals are more or less a sum of many factors. However, there are still some things you should avoid if you want to improve the rating of your Facebook post.

Getting together

Facebook has Friends instead of fans, and having a lot of Friends is the same thing as having a lot of follows. Friends on Facebook can see all of your posts and anything else you share with them on your account once they accept you as a friend.

Facebook also lets you connect with other people in different ways. Your regular followers and people you tag will be the first to know about your posts as soon as you share them.

What Kind of Content

This is similar to what it means to be relevant on Instagram. Facebook’s algorithms will look at the type of post you made—whether it’s a text or a picture—and figure out which people are most likely to find it interesting.

A better way to reach a certain group of people is to make your post about things that people in that group are likely to search for or like.


What do people who have already seen the post think about it? Are they interested in it? Are they just looking for no reason? Are they mad about it? Do they leave comments and click the “Like” button? What these things are all important for how your Facebook post ranks.

A post that doesn’t get any comments or replies means that not many people will be interested in it. It won’t rank as high as a post that has comments, likes, and reposts.


A lot of people use Facebook and post things all the time. In other words, the algorithms keep both new and old posts from getting lost. To put it another way, the Feeds are set up so that the most important and engaging new posts are at the top.

The TikTok algorithm: how does it work?

TikTok is quickly growing into one of the world’s biggest social networks. Things are a little different here than on Instagram because movies are the big thing on this site.

TikTok has something that looks like a Feed page, just like Facebook. There is a page called “For You” that many TikTok users want their videos to show up on so that more people will see them and interact with them.

It’s not hard to get your movie on TikTok’s “For You” page. It sounds like the things that affect TikTok’s formula are pretty easy, and they are.

How Users Interact

Likes, notes, and shares are what this means. If a TikTok user connects with a certain person or group of posts a lot, the algorithm will make sure that user sees more of that.

But this isn’t as important as the rate at which videos are finished. To put it another way, TikTok doesn’t want to push dull videos that will make people quickly lose interest in the app. When people watch the whole movie instead of just a second or two is one way to tell if they are interested.

This is something that TikTok influencers have been paying attention to in order to get their videos to rank high.


This is about the settings for both the account and the gadget. Who sees your films depends a lot on where you are, what language you speak, and what device you use.

TikTok is set up in a way that makes it easy for videos to go popular and be seen by people all over the world, but the first people who will see your videos are the ones who are nearby. The idea is that they’ll be more interested in your movie since they might care about where it is.

Details about videos

Your movie will be pushed to a user’s For You Page by TikTok’s algorithm based on the information you post with it. This data helps the site figure out if the user will be interested in it or not. People who have been looking for videos with the hashtag #Bussitchallenge are more likely to see videos with that hashtag on their “For You” page.

How Do Social Media Algorithms Use What You Like?

It’s easy to say. Algorithms on social media sites use what you like to make your time on the site better.

Social media has a lot of people. People are more likely to be interested in things they like and can connect to. This can only be guessed by looking at things like likes, reposts, and comments on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

That’s why most of the posts you see are like the ones you connect with on social media. You’ll find a lot more accounts that talk about football than any other kind of account.

The things that social networks already know about you

It’s built into social media to find out what you like and show it to you in the form of ads, texts, pictures, and videos. But the real question is: How much do social networks really know about you? There are a lot of them.

Ad choices are what social media sites like Facebook and Instagram make based on the things you look for, like, and don’t like. This is a lot like Google Ad Preferences, where the app learns about you to figure out what you’ll probably be most interested in.

This is a planned gathering of information that can come from many places, even websites that have nothing to do with Facebook or Instagram. These are some things that social media know about you because of this.

What is your favorite band or artist?

The search date could be years ago, not long ago, or how many times you’ve listened to it on an app. The internet knows what you did, even if you don’t.

This doesn’t mean that social media is always right, though. It’s possible to look for songs you don’t like or to stop liking a certain song. That’s why you can change your ad choices and likes to match what you like now.

Things you’d like to buy

Most websites that sell things use paid ads on social media to get you to buy something even when you’re not on their site. In other words, they work together with social media sites to make your interest in the website known. In your Facebook ad settings, you may see some sites like Etsy because of this.

Can I cheat the algorithms on social networks?

No matter what, you can’t “trick” social media. You can use the signs to get more views and rank higher, though.

If you want to get more out of your social media posts as a marketer or influencer, you need to know these tricks.

How Can You Get Around Instagram’s Rules?

If you want your posts to show up quickly on Instagram, you should pay attention to the four things that affect the system. When they don’t work as well as you’d like, though, there are other things you can try.

Use the new tools

For Instagram to get more famous, they want people to use their new features as soon as they come out. In that case, the algorithms are set up to boost posts and materials that use the new feature. It’s kind of like a sneaky way for them to tell you about what’s new on their website.

This means that joining from the start is not a bad idea. It will also help you get your message to more people.

Stickers for Instagram Stories can help you get more people to interact with your posts.
Using Instagram Stories Stickers is one of the best ways for people to change the way Instagram works in 2021.

Most of the time, they are used to get people to give their opinion or answer a question. Question, poll, and character sliding stickers are the most-used ones.

How Can You Get Around Facebook’s Rules?

Just like there are steps you can take to beat Instagram’s algorithms, there are also steps you can take to beat Facebook’s algorithms and get your posts seen by more people faster.


People don’t want to leave comments under your post and not get a response, even if it’s just an emoji. Imagine talking to someone. If it’s only good for one person, you won’t want to have another talk.

But the algorithms are more likely to rank your post higher if a lot of people comment on it and connect with it. Not only that, but people who have connected with your previous posts will see your new ones too.

So, try to get more people to connect with you by responding to the comments. You should answer the questions if they come up. You should try to be funny if you have to.

Plan to reach your audience online at certain times.

If you want to get more contact, it’s best to post when you know your audience will be online. So, they can see it and say what they think about it.

Besides that, you should post often so that your posts show up at the top. You don’t need to bother people who follow you. The Facebook algorithms will take care of the rest and show your posts to your “friends” even if they’ve been on Facebook for a while. This is what Facebook’s “unread bumping logic” system does.

Tell stories on Facebook

This method will skip the whole algorithm process because Facebook Stories are not part of the news feed.

Your friends can see them, and a lot of Facebook users do check them out. You just need to make them interesting enough to get people to visit your account. Being an individual, you can share funny stories. If you’re a brand, you can give tips or talk about new goods.

What can you do to beat TikTok’s system?

It’s not enough to know how TikTok’s system works. If you want to be on the For You Page, you still need to know how to use what you know. Here are a few things you could try.

Making quick videos

You can make movies on TikTok that are anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds long. Making videos with the fastest times is one way to keep people’s attention on TikTok.

Everyday people still have very short attention spans. You can’t just magically make it go up on TikTok. It will help your rank if you make movies that people are likely to watch all the way through.

TikTok’s video finish rate is a very important sign that you should pay attention to. It’s more important than getting likes.

Make video intros that are interesting.

People on TikTok only have about three seconds to pay attention to your video before they move to the next one. That means you need to use it well.

If possible, record the beginning over and over until it sounds good. If the beginning of your video is dull or interesting, it might not make it to the “For You” page.

Come up with an interesting caption.

You only have 150 characters, so there isn’t much room to impress or get people’s attention. But you still need to, especially if your start is slow.

One way to get people to read the comments is to say that there will be something exciting at the end of the movie. You can also show surprise or ask a good question.

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