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14 Ways to Get Huge on Instagram in 2024


Getting more people to follow you and building your brand is easy on Instagram. If you use this tool correctly, it will be very helpful for you whether you’re a business owner or a person who makes content. And for hundreds of thousands of people around the world, becoming famous on Instagram seems impossible. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

When you post something that goes popular, you can get more followers. Many people think that the only way for a post to go popular is by chance. However, if a user is persistent and committed enough, they will finally post something that thousands or even millions of people will connect with.

Now that 2024 is well under way, it’s time to think about how to make your Instagram posts go popular. Here is a handy list of 14 ways that your post can get seen by a lot of people and possible friends, likes, and interactions.


#1: Regularly posting
#2: Paid ads
#3: Working with influencers
#4 Events That Are Happening Now
#5: Both photos and videos are important
#6: Instagram contests that go viral
7. Figuring out who the followers are
#8 One of a Kind Creative Voice
#9: A unique brand look
#10: Taking part in other users’ content
#11: Looking at the Competitors
12. Analytics for Instagram
#13: A Look at Instagram
#14: SEO Is Important

#1: Regularly creating posts

Every person who makes content will tell you that routine is important for growing your platform profile. As long as you keep posting on your YouTube channel, Twitter status, or Instagram page, people will notice you and the algorithm will give you more attention.

Still, it’s important to note that it’s not just about using any plan. For example, you could share pictures and movies every day, but if you do it at 1 a.m., when most people are asleep, not many people will be interested. If you want more people to visit your page, you should pay attention to the best times to post. That means you should only post material when you know most people are online and using the app.

Metrics usually change depending on where you are and what time zone you are in, but if you want to post every day, try writing early in the morning or late in the afternoon. As an alternative, you can aim for certain days of the week for each post. Wednesday around noon is when most people are online, so that’s when you can expect a lot of activity. Also, Friday morning is a good time. Because of this, if you’re a content creator and want a lot of followers and conversation, you should schedule your posts for the best time for you in your time zone.

#2: Paid ads

The main way that most businesses make money is through paid ads, no matter what site they’re on. There is a lot of money spent on internet marketing these days by most brands, big and small, because social media is such an effective way to market. Most of the time, marketing a name is just as important as making a product or providing a service.

Since people spend a lot of time on social media sites, it makes sense to use their influence for ads. So, putting money into a few paid ads can be a good idea because they will probably bring in more than a few interested people. Also, it won’t cost you much to advertise on Instagram—the average price is $0.20 to $2 per click. Your money will definitely be well spent on this site because people are very interested in both free and paid content.

#3: Working with influencers

A business that makes drinks or ice cream might get a few thousand likes and a hundred or so followers if they post regularly and pay for ads. An Instagram picture of Mark Philippe or Chiara Ferragni tasting or even holding one of their products, on the other hand, will get that brand hundreds of thousands of likes and followers.

A lot of people visit sites that influencers run, no matter what they post. No matter how silly the video is—even if it’s just in the background—people will want to buy the goods if it has a brand name on it. You might not be able to pay for big names, but if you can, work with some smaller, more niche-specific stars. Some of their fans might start to follow you and interact with your posts.

#4: Trending Events

A great way to get more people to follow you on Instagram is to keep up with current events. People who follow you will think you have a good handle on current culture or even culture in general if you keep up with what’s popular.

Focusing on a trending event can lead to a lot of short-term spikes in interaction. Depending on the topic, these spikes can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or even months. To put it another way, it’s almost perfect for making Instagram posts go popular.

#5: Both photos and videos are important.

Most people who don’t use Instagram (and some people who do use it) will say that it’s a place to share photos. The truth is that Instagram has been leaning more and more toward video material, especially in the last few years. As it turns out, Adam Mosseri, who is currently in charge of Instagram, said back in 2021 that the app is no longer just a way to share photos.

What do you think? If you’re a content maker, should you focus on pictures or videos? Could it be a mix of the two? What kind of material you make is what matters. Some sources say that videos are becoming more popular than pictures and that creators should put more of their attention on them. Some give a more fair point of view.

In general, as a creator, you will have different kinds of people. For example, some of them will love watching short videos, especially if they use TikTok or YouTube a lot. Some people may choose pictures if they like “static content” like Pinterest pins or Twitter posts. That being said, you should think about what kinds of posts work best for you and focus your efforts there. But don’t just ignore the other choice either. If you want to be fair, we suggest using both pictures and videos.

#6: Instagram contests that go viral

Everyone likes getting free stuff, and the best kinds are the ones that don’t require much work. People and companies that have been using Instagram for a while know these facts very well. That’s why they often use Instagram contests, which have been shown to work time and time again.

Online, you can find tools that make contest templates for a number of different sites. Most of the time, these themes have a “call to action” button that says something like “Visit Our Instagram Page” or “Watch Our IG Video and Like It/Comment on It.” You can even add a “referral” button that lets people join by telling their friends about your page.

A big part of this plan is, of course, giving away something real. It could be a brand-name purse, a PS5, a gift card, or a coupon code for a video game. It’s okay as long as it’s something your fans will want.

#7: Get to know your followers

You can’t make a post go popular with algorithms and other cool online tools if you don’t know who you’re writing for. Most of the time, people spend a lot of money on every part of an online platform for their business but don’t pay attention to what their followers and viewers want to see.

To find that out, you’ll need to make a buyer persona, which is another name for a person who would really like your content. Pay attention to their age, gender, and income, but also to how much schooling they have, where they live, and what job they want. But don’t forget to do some study on the niche you want to work in. In terms of your business or content, what do people want to see from you? What is it about it that speaks to them? What do your videos and pictures have to do with the topic? How will they help your followers in the long run?

Once you have a picture of your dream buyer, make sure that as much of your content as possible fits what they want. When people start following you, find out what kinds of content from other producers they like to read. After that, it’s time to accept, change, and get better. It’s more likely that your posts will go popular if you work at them.

#8: A unique voice for creativity

It’s nice to copy other people’s work, but if you do it too often, it could be seen as plagiarizing or, at the very least, not being creative. As an example, before YouTube became popular, people would watch video game reviews on separate sites who acted very irritated and rude. But other creators took over the model, and instead of being successful, they became famous. It’s clear that this example is specific to a field. But it shows that people who read online material even back then knew the difference between original work and straight-up plagiarism.

If you’re a creator who wants your posts to go viral, you should find your own style and stick to it. In general, you should approach the subject in a way that is different from others and also speaks to the audience. As time goes on, this creative style will become a big part of your platform. A lot of people will like your posts and follow your page.

#9: A unique brand look

Naturally, if you want to have a creative style, you’ll need a strong, consistent aesthetic appeal that people will remember. Don’t forget that Instagram is a visual media tool that is mostly about photos and videos. That is, people will remember what they see when they follow you.

In light of this, pay attention to how your work looks. People will get lost and lose attention if it’s all over the place. For example, let’s say your first post in January was a holiday picture. Your second post would have a random drawing, then a meme about a popular TV show, and finally a deep quote from a well-known author. It’s not only a little off-putting, but it’s also pretty noisy.

Accounts that choose a “look” and stick to it, on the other hand, are more likely to go popular. One user might only post POV shots of themselves riding a bike, for instance. Some people might choose a set of photos that are all green, no matter what the theme is. For every picture or movie, some users pick a set of items and put them in a certain order. There are a lot of options.

That being said, the style you choose doesn’t have to be as visually striking as the ones above. Really, sometimes even a small thing that keeps showing up in the background can work. On the other hand, this visual draw of yours can show up in things that seem as ordinary as photo descriptions. With the right hashtags, unique wording, and arrangement of text, the text in your posts will be just as much a part of your brand image as anything else.

#10: Taking part in other users’ content

This tip is kind of like a trade for Instagram. In other words, if you want people to interact with your material, you should interact with theirs too.

There are different ways that the exchange can happen. Visit pages, like posts, and leave comments are some easier ways to do it. Be kind to the accounts of people who follow you, just like you’d like to be kindly treated.

Some methods that take a little more work involve boosting other users through stories, posts, or post descriptions. After all, tagging a few followers in your most recent post is a great way to get more people to read it. People will be more likely to follow you and interact with your posts if you do it more often.

It’s true that not all interaction is good. Think about it: if you see a beautiful post with a long caption, don’t just give it a thumbs-up or a smiley face emoji. That’s what a bot would do. Instead, keep your opinions short, but be honest and willing to help. You want your users to think that you took the time to read what they wrote and not just quickly giving it a thumbs up out of sympathy.

#11: Taking a Look at the Competition

Learn from the best people if you want to be the best. At least that’s what the saying says. But we’d like to add to it. If you see a chance to learn something new about Instagram posts that go popular, take it. It doesn’t matter if the source is your direct competitor.

They want to grow as quickly as possible, just like any other business, so you can expect them to put a lot of time and effort into their Instagram page. So, if they catch on, it’s time to write them down. Look at the information they post, how often they do it, and the people they want to reach. Check how long their films are and how many words they use to describe their posts. Just about anything that can increase views and conversation should be written down. But don’t copy a practice word-for-word. Instead, change it to fit your business.

#12: How Instagram Works

You’ll need to look at your Instagram page every once in a while to keep it in great shape. It will make it easy for you to see how your posts are doing, who likes them, and how they stack up against other posts. In particular, you should pay attention to the following:

The gender, age, and location of your friends
How many likes each post has
When your fans are most likely to be online
How many times a post was seen.
Once you have the right information, you can change what you do on Instagram to match. For example, if your adult content is mostly seen by women and you want to reach a wider audience, you can see what kinds of posts male fans like best and make those types of posts.

#13: Checking out Instagram

There are some ways in which doing an Instagram check is like doing analytics. The main change is that you’re not using different tools to look at raw data and numbers. Instead, you’re sort of judging the look of your whole picture.

It’s not hard to check your page. The first thing you do is look at your username, personal picture, and biography. If they don’t match your brand’s style and message, it’s time to get rid of them. Next, look at how engaged your users are. Look over your comments and direct messages carefully and try to find any spam, bot, or troll accounts.

Last but not least, look closely at your feed, photos, post descriptions, and hashtags. If you need to, change the ones that don’t work and make them better so they fit with the general look you want.

#14: Search Engine Optimisation is Important

When it comes to text, information goes viral most likely when it’s easy to understand for most people. You need to use words on Instagram, even though most of your posts will be pictures or videos. Each post needs a description, and your personal page needs a full bio. Also, don’t forget to use hashtags to get people to interact with your posts.

When you make changes to the text parts of your page, make sure they follow the rules for good search engine optimisation. That way, people will find your posts even if they aren’t looking for your name or the pictures on your page. They can just look for a funny description on Google and click on it, which will take them to your page.

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